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Lawn Care

A well maintained lawn provides a beautiful setting for your home, a functional space for recreation and entertaining, and a forgiving surface for kids’ games.

You can have a healthy, great-looking lawn simply by paying a little attention to the areas listed below.



Mowing is carried out mainly between March and October.

•Over summer: On average, mow twice weekly, dropping to once a week during periods of drought.

•Over spring and autumn: Mow once a week. ...

•Over winter: Mowing is usually not necessary, unless the weather is mild and the grass is still growing. In this case, mow occasionally with a high cut setting. Do not attempt to do this if the ground conditions are very soft or frozen, or during spells of cold, drying winds.

•Dry and shady areas under trees may need less frequent mowing than areas in full sun with good moisture levels



Increasing your lawns ability to breathe and absorb the nutrients it needs to maintain its health.

Signs that your lawn needs to be aerated include

- Worn areas where people walk often
- Water puddles after irrigating
- Water runs off the lawn after only a few minutes of watering
- Parts of the lawn that just can’t seem to keep moist



Feeding the lawn will increase vigour and help prevent weeds and moss from establishing. Apply fertilisers when the soil is moist, or when rain is expected.



Lawns from SEED.

A little care in the preparation of the ground when growing a lawn from seed can give superb results, more cheaply and easily than from turf.


SCARIFYING - cut and remove debris from (a lawn) with a scarifier

Why do lawns suffer from Moss?
Moss has no root system so it anchors itself on to damp porous materials. On lawns, this material is known as thatch.

 Over time, lawns develop a layer of fibrous material known as thatch. Thatch is dead decaying material such as grass clippings and leaves that combine to form a sponge like material throughout our lawns.

Thatch acts like a sponge by absorbing moisture and rain water. It also reduces airflow between the surface of the lawn and the soil level so creates a perfect environment for moss to thrive in.


Lawns from TURF.

A lawn made from turf costs more than one from seed, but produces a near instant effect which can be used sooner

Why use turf?

 Laying a lawn from turf is a quick way to get an instant result. It is good for situations where you can't keep off a lawn for the two or three weeks you need with seed. So for people with children or pets, it is often a good option, as you can be back on the lawn within a couple of days of laying.

       R.S Gardens carry out all of the above at great rates to all customers

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